International Summer School 2020

Sustaining Cultural Heritage Through Preventive Conservation and Collection Care

11. September 2020
Institute of Conservation

International Summer School 2020
Sustaining Cultural Heritage Through Preventive Conservation and Collection Care
14-18 September 2020, 10:30-13:30 (CET), on Zoom
The Institute of Conservation organises an online Summer School with all its international partners from India to Mongolia to open a platform of academic exchange, which also works without travelling. In the five-days lectures series, the Institute’s team and other experts present principles and up to date topics of preventive conservation and collection care. Just to name a few examples: Gael de Guichen gives a global perspective on the reorganization of museum storages, José Luiz Pedersoli Jr. talks about myths and taboos in risk perception in preventive conservation, Stefan Simon shares his thoughts about the green museum, and Caitlin Southwick goes deeper into the topic of sustainability in conservation. If you also want to participate in this online programme, please contact: to receive the complete programme and links for the session.