Nominee for ArchDaily 'Building of the Year 2021‘: New Guabuliga Market

[a]FA _ [applied] foreign affairs's

17. February 2021

We are happy to share the news that New Guabuliga Market, a project by Baerbel Mueller‘s [a]FA _ [applied] foreign affairs’s lab at the IoA, Institute of Architecture at the University of Applied Arts Vienna has been voted into a final shortlist on ArchDaily ‘Building of the Year 2021’ - Award in the category of Commercial Architecture  out of a total of 4500 entries worldwide in 15 categories.
Please vote and support our IoA alumni Magdalena Górecka, Chien-hua Huang and Tom Kampars.
[A]Fa Team: Baerbel Mueller, Jürgen Strohmayer, supported by IoA faculty: Klaus Bollinger, Karin Raith, and Franz Sam.
Thank you for your support!